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Joe R 07-01-2017 03:56 PM

Mako owners tournament
So Bass Pro in Atlantic city is having a Mako owners tournament in August...they state that SeaCraft boats can fish the tournament ..I always thought the Mako tournaments looked like fun...lots of prizes, captains bag loaded with stuff , cook out, cocktail hour , family stuff, WELL what do you think ??? Should we enter and show that SeaCraft is still top dog...I think the wife and I are going to fish in it.......I did not post this as a BP bashing or a Tracker vs Potter thread....could be a SeaCraft type of gathering LETS TAKE OVER...

Joe R.
21 SeaCraft
1998 cc / 200 optimax
Susie 2

NoBones 07-01-2017 08:18 PM

Go kick azz and take names !
Show 'em SeaCraft's still rule .....:cool:

wattaway2 07-02-2017 08:53 AM

Let hear it FISH ON! Show um how it's done

bumpdraft 07-03-2017 01:07 AM

I fished a Mako tournament years ago in my 18' SeaCraft. The only non Mako there in Micco, Fl. (Won a prize too)

Joe R 07-03-2017 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by bumpdraft (Post 252354)
I fished a Mako tournament years ago in my 18' SeaCraft. The only non Mako there in Micco, Fl. (Won a prize too)

I was wondering if they ever let SeaCrafts in the tournament,,,They said most brands that BP bought or make can fish...I hope I am not the only non Mako boat in it

Joe R.
21 SeaCraft
1998 / 200 Optimax
Susie 2

DonV 07-03-2017 03:53 PM

Doesn't matter, you won't be jealous of their Makos, however I doubt they can say the same about your SeaCraft. :)

gofastsandman 07-03-2017 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by DonV (Post 252363)
Doesn't matter, you won't be jealous of their Makos, however I doubt they can say the same about your SeaCraft. :)

Oh, I don't know about that Don.
My brother believes his ole 221 rides better than his friend`s SC 23s.
One of his friends has the IB w SBC.

Cough cough.

Joe R 07-17-2017 10:54 PM

Just signed up online are you guys going to make me compete against all these Mako boats myself ,???? LOL
honestly the tournament sounds like fun .dock side food 3 evenings, fish anytime all day or just a few hours..loads of prizes and give a ways , ck it out funaments .com

Joe R.
21 SeaCraft
Susie 2

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