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drtyTshrt 07-05-2017 12:22 AM

1989 20' C/C classic to me.
I am about to bite the bullet and re-power with a Mercury Opti-Max Pro 175. This is my thread to start documenting what I want to do. I have a soft spot in the floor and I may want a bladder fuel tank. Any butt way;

drtyTshrt 07-17-2017 11:43 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank you for your patience.

Here is a photo of what I have to work with.

This photo is to gauge how big my photos will be.

At the end I hope to present a performance vessel named
MISS SQUEEZEBOX Captined by drtyTshrt.


Question number one.
How do I make my photos topside?
I have taken to many this way to change my photo skills.

Maybe it would just be easier to change my photo skills.

drtyTshrt 07-18-2017 12:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The soft spot in the floor I plan to replace with aluminum honeycomb and try to seal /vacuum seal the top skin using expired aircraft quality sealers.

I tried to find a fix for the side ways photos but it did not work.

NoBones 07-18-2017 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by drtyTshrt (Post 252716)
Question number one.
How do I make my photos topside?
I have taken to many this way to change my photo skills.

Maybe it would just be easier to change my photo skills.

Turn your phone upside down and backwards....:eek:

tommyg29 07-24-2017 10:31 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Ill be following your thread, especially since I have a sister boat to yours... an '89
Seacraft by Mako

btw, thats my son on the platform, not me lol

Bikecop1 07-25-2017 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by drtyTshrt (Post 252716)
Thank you for your patience.

Here is a photo of what I have to work with.

This photo is to gauge how big my photos will be.

At the end I hope to present a performance vessel named
MISS SQUEEZEBOX Captined by drtyTshrt.


Question number one.
How do I make my photos topside?
I have taken to many this way to change my photo skills.

Maybe it would just be easier to change my photo skills.

How do you like that cooler seat? Comfortable?

drtyTshrt 11-08-2017 02:01 PM

Garage shoring
3 Attachment(s)
I want to take the boat off of the trailer and ask for input.
It takes 80 cranks from the lowest bow point to raise the stern off of the trailer bunks.
Do I want my stands under the boat or under the transom?
I have been up and down off the bunks twice now so I want the third time to be the last.
I do not know how long it will stay in shoring will it matter?

DonV 11-08-2017 06:06 PM

I just helped my neighbor take his 26' Mako off his trailer last weekend and block it up so he can take off the bottom paint, a lot more fun than a 20' SC. As luck would have it he has a flat chine 6" wide at the transom forward to place the rear blocks. Get the stands close to the transom on the flattest (horizontal) place as possible. The transom is the strongest point so you want the stands there, the front stand should go about where the roller is on your trailer. If you are going to use the stands in the pictures, for safety I would get a strong ratchet cable/strap and tie the rear stands in position from sliding outwards. Good luck!

drtyTshrt 11-08-2017 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by DonV (Post 254845)
If you are going to use the stands in the pictures, for safety I would get a strong ratchet cable/strap and tie the rear stands in position from sliding outwards. Good luck!

Good idea.

IslandMarineGroup 11-11-2017 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by drtyTshrt (Post 254842)
I want to take the boat off of the trailer and ask for input.

What I did might work of you. I went upstairs and laid two 4x4's perpendicular to the beams. I drilled a ½" hole through the 4x4 and the ceiling of the workshop. From the bottom, I pushed and eye bolt through the ceiling and 4x4, put big washers and a nut on the threads. From the eye, I hung chain hoists. This gave me two lifting points. I intend to build a cradle out of 2" x 12" x 16' lumber and 4x4's and carriage bolts. I flirted with the idea of a steel frame and castors so I can move it around because my '89 20 CC will take up a lot of the available work space. On the other hand, it the boat being in the shop is a pain, I might get it done faster. Last project the customer had show dollies, which worked great!

Island Marine Group, LLC

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