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JBASS02 10-09-2017 10:08 AM

Vessel Hull Number-Did I get scammed?
I bought my first Seacraft('72 20') yesterday. Needless to say I'm super excited. Transom and stringers seem good, however there are lots of cosmetic fixes to be made.
So here is the problem... I was trying to look up more information about this particular hull/model and looked to the title for the Vessel Hull Number...BNV386KE... from what I've see this isn't a Seacraft Hull Number??? Did I get scammed??? The title states the builder as Seacraft. I've looked through photos of other '72 Seacraft and everything looks the exact same. The thru-hulls, compartment layouts, openings in gunnels all match other 72 Seacraft. Could the hull number have changed? Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to be certain before I call the seller.

otterhound 10-09-2017 10:18 AM

Maybe if you posted some photos that would help. In New York if you having abandoned boat the state will issue its own hull id number.

bobbert 10-09-2017 10:38 AM

Only boats after 74? have hull number cast into transom.

SailorChlud 10-09-2017 11:55 AM

My 1972 had no hull number at all - the state of MA issued a number to a previous owner.

Gurnet76 10-09-2017 03:53 PM

Aside from a 4 digit stamp on the port side live well, I had no visible HID on my '76 MA when I purchased it last year although, I was able to determine the HID using the prior owners registration which was in the original SECF format.

3 letters represent the manufacturer (SEC for Potters Seacrafts)
1 letter or number for model
1 number for length (e.g., 3 for 23')
3 numbers for hull id
4 numbers for month and year of manufacture

It's likely that the prior owner was unable to determine the original HID and had to apply to the state for reassignment.

JBASS02 10-09-2017 05:53 PM

Thanks for the info. I'll make a separate thread with pics once I start getting into it.

Bigshrimpin 10-11-2017 06:19 PM

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