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69Seacraft20 02-04-2018 04:38 PM

20sf Massive untapped storage area?
1 Attachment(s)
I was looking at some pictures of deck restoration on older 4 stringer 20s like my 1969 which has no under deck gas tank. Could I cut and hatch the area between the center console and casting deck as long as I stay within the 2 inner stringers? If so does anyone know the distance between the two inner stringers?

This would open up lots of space for light gear like bulky life jackets,extra line, toolbox, flare kit etc. and maybe secure some flat starboard to the bottom V so the gear doesn’t get wet.

Gas tank is currently under the console seat and gives me plenty of range for where I run.


manitunc 02-04-2018 08:48 PM

Yes. I did that on my 68.

Bigshrimpin 02-05-2018 12:17 PM

Distance b/w the center two stringers on the OLD pre -72 four stringer seacraft is b/w 22.5 - 23".

Joe R 02-05-2018 10:05 PM

I cut and put one of those hatches with a lift out liner , on my 20 1970 ....sold boat a few years ago....

Joe R.
21 SeaCraft 1998
200 Optimax 2015

Susie 2

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