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Wac3riv 02-11-2018 01:55 PM

1974 20 sea craft
How do i post a pic on here? Lol

DonV 02-11-2018 08:14 PM

After you have done your reply and want to add a pic....scroll down to "manage attachments", easy from there. Just pick out your pics from your PC, upload and off you go.

Wac3riv 02-12-2018 01:33 AM

Ok thank you don

Wac3riv 02-12-2018 01:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
1974 20 ft sea craft
I just picked it up. Going to do a partial restore on it .
What do you guys think about it being an i/o original potter?

DonV 02-12-2018 08:36 AM

Very nice!! I noticed electronics are much more compact now days!! :) I'd rather have the extra interior space with an outboard on a bracket. Nice find and good luck.

fishingproblem 02-12-2018 12:39 PM

Nice find! I dig the yellow color.

I am in Sandy Eggo and looking for a 20-23' Seacraft too.

What did you give for it? Did you looksee at any others in socal that you passed on or know of any other ones you might suggest to check out?


Wac3riv 02-12-2018 03:38 PM

I picked this one up for a reasonable price.. center consoles in so cal are hars to come by. And sea craft is rare on the west coast

db3155 02-12-2018 03:52 PM

Sexy, I just picked up a 1979 one of five built that year, rotted for $1500. I am gong to keep mine an I/O they are sexyier than outboards.

Wac3riv 02-12-2018 11:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Stripping it for a new gelcoat, and color sanding.. any suggestions?

NoBones 02-13-2018 12:47 AM

Try wet sanding a section with 1200 grit, look around your area to find some "Aqua Buff" compound.... It is good stuff.

That gelcoat is thicker then you think !

My son does that for a living... You would be surprised at the results..
He wet sanded a section on the red 1968 27 SeaMaster about 5 years ago
and it is still shining !! I will get a pic in the morning for you...

Cheaper and easier over painting or re-gelin'..

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