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Seacraftma 08-28-2019 10:11 AM

Which 4 blade prop for 20' ma
Hey there I know there is a lot of info about props on here for the 20' boats running a 3 blade, but I can't find out what size 4 blade to try. I have a '02 master angler with a T-top which I just repowered with a new df140 and I'm currently am running a 14x20 three blade SS Suzuki prop. With 70 gal. Of fuel and 2 people I'm running 37, 38 mph at 6000 rpm. I would like to try a 4 blade for a little more stern lift so if anyone is running my similar set up with one I would like to know what performance numbers they're seeing and what diameter and pitch. Thanks

Old'sCool 08-28-2019 11:02 AM

If no one here helps call Ken at PropGods.

CaptLloyd 08-29-2019 05:10 PM

I'm running a Solas Amita 4 13.75 X 19P 4 blade aluminum. I get 34.5kts @ 6100 rpm. Great hole shot.

Seacraftma 08-30-2019 07:30 AM

Thanks for the info Capt loyd I'll start looking for a prop with those specs and try it out. Holeshot was something that I would like to improve a bit. I'll report back with performance numbers once I find a prop to try.

gofastsandman 08-30-2019 06:51 PM

Denny has tried a lot of props. I`ve tested many with him.
His final pick was a BRP cyclone. Held plane at 12 mph.

jtharmo 08-30-2019 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by gofastsandman (Post 265213)
Held plane at 12 mph.

Verified. Was out this morning on RL III with my son. A friend met us in his Aluma-something. We stayed on plane at 12-14 mph in a tight chop while they got pushed all over the place trying to keep pace.

Bushwacker’s “Prop Test” sticky is a must-read for you. He ended up with a 14.5 x 15P BRP Cyclone.

gofastsandman 08-30-2019 10:33 PM

We did some of the testing together.
The 15x15 PT ofs was on point.

Vezo, Part II 09-01-2019 08:58 AM

My Seafari has great performance with a PowerTech OFS4 15x15 also. Haven’t tried it on the MA yet. She’s running a 15x15 OMC also in Stainless.


Seacraftma 09-07-2019 08:26 AM

Gofastsandman and Vezo, are you guys running a df140 and no bracket if so how is your holeshot and what kind of numbers are you seeing with the powertech 15x15?

Vezo, Part II 09-07-2019 11:44 AM

The Seafari has a transom mounted ‘06 Etec 150. The Master Angler has a transom mounted ‘99 Johnson 175 carbed.


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