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captsuperfly 09-11-2019 09:51 PM

sceptre to CC conversion - bow toe kick
1 Attachment(s)
I'm still planning a full stringers up rehab on a 79 Sceptre that I'm planning on converting to a CC.

I have a builder with a mold for a cap. My plan was to keep the liner in the boat, but am curious if anybody has done this and can comment on a difference in Toe kick under the gunwale at the bow. The Sceptre/Savage liner seems to have a shelf under the front gunwale that causes the liner to project further into the cockpit than the regular CC liner?

I've attached a picture of a boat I found online that had the same liner and appears to be a similar conversion.

I'm worried that that liner will put my feet way in back of me if I dig in on that front gunwale. I fish in rips often and need the toe kick.

Thanks for any advice!

wattaway2 09-12-2019 01:05 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Nice looking job someone did! Compared to pictures of my ‘73 23 raised deck does look like the insert comes out further .I have the toe kick on the deck but not up top. Friend of mine was wedged in up front in 2-4’ seas and said he was completely locked in so?

captsuperfly 09-12-2019 10:25 AM

Thanks, wattaway

It's tough for me to tell if the lost toe kick is the actual liner, or the fact that the step itself on these Sceptres is lower, so the hull has time to come in more more before meeting the deck. Probably a combo. I'll likely make a cap template to see how much toe kick I have before deciding on the liner.

flyingfrizzle 09-12-2019 12:59 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I had both 23's (sceptre & CC) at one time side by side but really don't remember how much difference there is far as toe kick area. I'm in the middle of converting one over to a cc currently. On the sceptre Im converting to a cc we were going to rig it up with forward seating so we won't have the issue your going to have with toe kick. You will loose some of the toe room as the liner dose seem to stick out a fair bit more. You have a shelf section at the top with a trim piece and then there are the side storage boxes it runs down to. I don't have the cc no longer so I cant compare them now but I do think the stepped up section was higher in the cc. One thing some people do is cut the front stepped section out and make a flat deck all the way forward but you will loose even more toe room that way if you extend the liner down and keep it. You could raise the front platform and have a taller step which will give you more toe room but then you loose freeboard. The higher the front step the further back the liner will be under the gunnel. Also you can see the difference in the port and starboard sides due to the way they notched the boxed area to attach the bulkhead of the cabin on each side. Also the stepped section is not even across the front if you enclosed the center section and where the helm was sticks out further back. The pic you posted shows it even so the owner must of extended the left side back some to match the right before he closed the step down in. I have the one Im working on with the top cap off right now and here are some older pictures of it with the liner still in.

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