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abl1111 04-15-2020 02:35 PM

Transducer Antifouling
Have a transom mounted transducer, one of those 6-7” guys. It gets pretty fouled ! What do you recommend to paint with, if anything at all, to minimize this without affecting performance ?

fishstu 04-15-2020 10:23 PM

I have the same question

TMala 04-16-2020 07:41 AM

I too would like to know the answer to this is someone recommends a product.

I know they sell a spray for transducers and engine brackets, anyone recommend anything? Does it last a season?

abl1111 04-16-2020 03:57 PM

Found this online --- From Garmin:

In certain environments, namely salt water, Garmin recommends painting the transducer with a water based, anti-fouling paint.

Anti-fouling paint helps to hinder marine growth and maintain transducer performance. This also helps in boat maintenance by lowering the costs associated with hauling a boat for cleaning.

Garmin recommends only using a water based, anti-fouling paint. Ketone-based paints should never be used. Ketone-based paints can weaken many plastics and possibly damage the transducer.

Please note: Garmin does not recommend painting the paddlewheel portion or any moving parts of a transducer as this can cause restriction.

riptide 04-17-2020 07:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This stuff works good

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