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MASBAS 05-29-2020 10:56 PM

1975 23SF resto begins in NJ
6 Attachment(s)
First Seacraft and restoration, learned a lot from this site over the last few months already. I just started the project. Some details and questions below:

The boat:
1975 23SF, apparently only 35 23SF's were made in 75, I would like to know what # hull it is, how do I find out? It seems to be a genuine barn find, the last registration sticker was 1984. When I found it, it was in a barn.

The plan:
Back yard build, similar to others, close transom, Bracket, Move tank forward 30-36", batteries under console, twin 150's...etc..

Current status: Slow going but got the tank out, access panels are soft, cap needs to be flipped over and cleaned out. The Stringers..this is where I need some input.

I would like to find a NJ Seacraft expert to get another set of eyes on it, but it looks like it is in pretty good shape under the deck, there are no soft spots and the visible portion of the stringers look good (Only my inexperienced eyes have seen it). There are some drips of foam on the stringers that look original and it is dry and color does not look weathered as well as the wood blocks that held the tank in, they were dry and plywood color(see photos). Is this all original set up? Do I need to cut up the deck and take out foam?

I read about the wet feet and self bailing issue...I was wondering if I didn't take the deck up and raise it, would filling in the gutter and running the scupper at the deck height not the gutter height out the back be enough to keep feet dry and self bail...I plan on trailering the boat, it will only stay in a slip on vacation.

The use: Bay, Inshore, occasional middle grounds trip, trailer north and south Keys to Great lakes...2 small boys and wife to accommodate.

Thanks in advance for replies, ideas and therapy.

Xcomunic8d 05-30-2020 04:16 AM

Good luck man!

Welcome to the addiction. Looking forward to your build.

Wish I could help in the decks. Not sure is my answer. The wet decks are annoying. Losing self-bailing is unforgivable.

Be careful sanding off non-skid (like I did) can’t tell you how many times I’ve fallen down from that.

studiojake 05-30-2020 06:50 AM

Welcome. Where in NJ? My restored 1974 is in Cape May. Youngs in Marmora did the work. They are superb, and pleasure to work with. I have lots of pics and you are welcome to check boat for ideas. Boat is not in water yet this season. Covid delays. Hopefully soon. PM me if interested.

captsuperfly 05-30-2020 07:08 PM

Congrats! I've just started on a 1973 SF. As to the foam in the stringers, there's really no way to tell without digging in. I pulled the sole up and dug in through the pour holes in each of them and they seemed super dry - till I got the VERY bottom. It's all about how deep you want to go.

Some folks seem to have good luck keeping original cockpit depth, most seem to raise it.

What kind of bracket are you going with?

MASBAS 05-30-2020 11:35 PM

South Brunswick NJ, I would really like to see pics of the build. I will PM. Thanks

I spoke with Josh @ Stoner in FL and saw some pics of his brackets, they look pretty good and seems to have a good reputation with folks on here.

I want to go with a fiberglass bracket.

I also need a resource for bulk, fiberglass material and well as coosa. Any info on that?

strick 06-01-2020 04:05 AM

Boat looks original...I would not replace the deck if it’s solid...the fuel tank platform is made of glassed ply and are usually rotten...the battery boxes in the stern are also usually wood and need replacing. As for the foam I’d leave it if dry...drill a few small test holes down low and check for water. The hull ID will tell you what number boat you have...there are several threads on the function That one as I forget where in the thred is located. You should not need to raise the deck on a 23...boat in a barn..classic find! Welcome


MASBAS 06-01-2020 11:38 PM

A little confused...I have done the research on the hull #'s and understand the following with the one question/confusion.

My Hull Number: SECF300010875

SEC=Potter Seacraft
F= Super Fish
3= 23'
0001= Hull # 1 for 1975??? I am confused here because all other vin #'s I see here are only 3 digits for this section
08=August build

DonV 06-02-2020 06:21 AM

Mine has only three, 0070778. Is this number on the hull or off the title?

Capt Chuck 06-02-2020 08:46 AM

yes' Hull #1 Aug '75...but looks like an extra "0" in there? take a picture of the hull stamp on the transom starboard side.

MASBAS 06-02-2020 08:48 AM

2 Attachment(s)
On the hull.

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