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BermudaTriangle 12-11-2020 02:46 PM

CC with a bimini top
Hi still fighting over whether to get a Ttop or bimini. anyone have a CC with a bimini instead. want to see the look.

uncleboo 12-11-2020 03:17 PM

Sorry, I don't have a picture to load, but, I love mine. Hair's getting thin and I need the shade.

bmajvi 12-11-2020 05:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is/was a member's boat... Diego maybe? The pic is featured on the slide show on the front page of CSC. I have a 23' Sceptre, and enjoy running with the bimini dropped early in the morning and at night. If you're a hard core fisherman a t-top is probably the better choice, but a bimini will provide more shade when it's up than a t-top. I had a bimini on my 18' SF and was happy with that too.

uncleboo 12-11-2020 08:22 PM

My top is centered over the console. Have a plan to run a strap from the center of the trailing edge down to the back of the leaning post so the straps will be out of the way of the rear rod holders. It’s all about thinning hair.😂

rcnight 12-12-2020 10:45 AM

I have a 20SF with the large console. I picked up an older Birdsall t-top years ago. It fits perfectly on the larger console. I’m sort of thinking how nice and versatile a Bimini would be. If you trailer a lot, the Bimini might be the way to go - less windage. Where you located? I might be refurbing my 20 and going back to convertible.

jorgeinmiami 12-12-2020 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by rcnight (Post 270160)
I have a 20SF with the large console. I picked up an older Birdsall t-top years ago. It fits perfectly on the larger console. I’m sort of thinking how nice and versatile a Bimini would be. If you trailer a lot, the Bimini might be the way to go - less windage. Where you located? I might be refurbing my 20 and going back to convertible.

I may have in the t top

wattaway2 12-13-2020 09:45 AM

I’ve had both on my 20 yrs ago . The Bimini top offers more shade But with the arms and straps des not allow the freedom of movement the CC is designed to offer fisherman ! The t top will never give you the shade but does allow the 360 degree movement to walk around chasing a fish . Very very handy if you happen to fish alone every now and then

215robert 12-13-2020 01:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Bimini is my choice

uncleboo 12-14-2020 09:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Found one.

BermudaTriangle 12-14-2020 12:58 PM

nice! yea i may have to do bimini. I want a Ttop for fishing but got to keep wife happy. we have two little kids so dont want them getting baked. Ttop and a little dodger up the front. Have you seen these they look pretty cool

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