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rcnight 03-19-2021 05:08 PM

Boat Covers
The oak leaves are killing me. Can anyone recommend some moderately priced covers for a 20 SF w/T-top and a 23 WA w/bow pulpit - no top. Thanks for your recommendations.

NoBones 03-19-2021 08:25 PM

Casey, Harbor Freight is your friend... Get the biggest tarp for about $40, cover the whole thing.

Snookerd 03-19-2021 10:38 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I found these guys when looking around online this week....$249 for a 23 Sceptre

NoBones 03-20-2021 08:42 AM

Oh my NO !!! Danny shame on you... How many harmless sweet seals had to DIE to make this cover ? :rolleyes:

DonV 03-20-2021 10:10 AM

I'm thinking they were Chinese seals!! :)

rcnight 03-20-2021 11:12 AM

Thanks for the suggestion Ken. This will fit right in here in Crystal River: 19 Ft. X 29 Ft. 4 In. Camouflage All Purpose/Weather Resistant Tarp. And it’s less than $40.

bumpdraft 03-20-2021 12:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Many years ago, a local k mart was closing and they had a big sale. Picked up a 20x10 car canopy. The t top presented a problem, but I got some galvanized pipe and drove the pipes into the ground. Slipped the canopy uprights into the pipes and tightened hose clamps to adjust the canopy to the right height and secured the top to the ground with rope. I think I paid about a hundred bucks for everything. I had to take the material off the frame back in 2004 for the hurricanes, but it lasted about 10 years and kept the sun,leaves and pine needles off. When I replaced the tarp, the new one only lasted about three years, then the pipe rusted out.but for the money that I spent it was well worth it.

cdavisdb 03-20-2021 12:24 PM

Mine lived under live oaks, horrible.

Cheap solution, buy a big roll of 8 mil black plastic sheeting. Cut to size. It lasts several years, do it again. One roll makes several covers. When you put it on, leave some ventilation. Ugly as heck, but it worked for me for a decade.

Old'sCool 03-20-2021 04:32 PM

Mesh tarps work great if there's no top.

Snookerd 03-20-2021 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by NoBones (Post 271173)
Oh my NO !!! Danny shame on you... How many harmless sweet seals had to DIE to make this cover ? :rolleyes:

No seals died in the making of that cover. Unfortunately a bunch of denier 600’s bit the dust though!!!

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