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561blake 04-20-2021 10:25 PM

Cutting out aft fish box
Thinking about cutting my fish box out. It holds water and is pretty useless. I’d like the bilge access so I can install a sea cock for a above deck live well. Also maybe some tackle storage. Any input on where to make the cut? Pictures?

Xcomunic8d 04-21-2021 04:09 AM

I’d like to help, but it would help if you told us what year and model you’re working on. Pics are always helpful too.

561blake 04-21-2021 08:17 AM

1986 18

561blake 04-21-2021 08:24 AM

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I figure I’ll start cutting from the inboard most square and work my way out if needed

uncleboo 04-21-2021 12:49 PM

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Don't know if it's like the Potter built, but, you can see in my 'deck replacement' thread, there are some pics of that area inside & out and how I finished it with the hatch. Good luck!

Old'sCool 04-21-2021 04:36 PM

I think the unknown is if the tub is providing support to the deck around the hatch. In other words,if you cut inside the tub just below the drain lip will there be support around the hatch.

uncleboo 04-22-2021 08:18 PM

On my 75, the baitwell “gutter” was barely inside the sringers.

No grave but the Seacraft 04-22-2021 09:02 PM

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Mine was cut out by the previous owner when I bought it. The cut was just inside the gutter. I didn't notice any flex walking on the hatch. The bilge access without it is astounding. The before pic doesn't show much detail but you can really see it in the after. I built a new gutter for the new deck and moved the drain plug to the keel. It holds zero water in the bilge now.

No grave but the Seacraft 04-25-2021 03:31 PM

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Hers what my bilge looks like after adding all the plumbing.

Starling 04-27-2021 08:45 AM

My fish box was cut out by the previous owner too, and I've been looing for a donor well. I'm on the Alabama Gulf Coast if you need to get rid of that thing.
Also, I'm looking for some hinge replacements for that hatch (installed in approximately stock location), previous owner removed them, any recommendations?

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