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AyeSpy 05-28-2021 02:01 AM

New to the Forum
1 Attachment(s)
Thanks for having me along. I am trying to set up my Profile, but it doesn't seem to be working. I also don't see any pictures in other's profiles, so maybe it's me. Glad to be here!!

Old'sCool 05-28-2021 06:47 AM

Welcome. Goldbug Is. near IOP?

uncleboo 05-28-2021 06:59 AM

Welcome! Gonna have to show us some pictures of your fleet!

strick 05-28-2021 06:01 PM

Nice bote. They will get yo there and back! Welcome to the group.


AyeSpy 05-29-2021 11:31 PM

Thanks for the replies!! Yes Goldbug is the last left as headed toward Sullivan's Island, just before the Ben Sawyer Bridge. When I saw your name, and that you were from Charleston, I thought you were a friend of mine who had a boat named "Olds Cool". I told him that he should have put the apostrophe "s", but he sold the boat. Pretty cool name!


AyeSpy 05-29-2021 11:45 PM

Check out the Atkins Design of Rescue Minor named Madness on Youtube. Diesel Motor with 14" prop, within 4 feel of Crab Bank. You can see the clam shells! 6 inches of water! i tried to send the link, but i'm still trying to figure this stuff out.

Old'sCool 06-03-2021 06:50 AM


Originally Posted by AyeSpy (Post 271842)
Thanks for the replies!! Yes Goldbug is the last left as headed toward Sullivan's Island, just before the Ben Sawyer Bridge. When I saw your name, and that you were from Charleston, I thought you were a friend of mine who had a boat named "Olds Cool". I told him that he should have put the apostrophe "s", but he sold the boat. Pretty cool name!


That's my boat and did not sell it (yet). Old'sCool

Beaver 06-05-2021 04:49 PM

I love yellow boats! Welcome to the Seacraft family.

AyeSpy 06-11-2021 11:53 PM

So... I still don't see my profile picture when I bring up my profile, but I can see the one one for Old's Cool. Also, I'm not getting emails with any replies to my posts. I can see where I have gotten responses, and I have checked the box to email responses. Still putting in my new transom, but please help me set up my profile. Thank Youuuu!!


AyeSpy 06-11-2021 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by AyeSpy (Post 271938)
So... I still don't see my profile picture when I bring up my profile, but I can see the one one for Old's Cool. Also, I'm not getting emails with any replies to my posts. I can see where I have gotten responses, and I have checked the box to email responses. Still putting in my new transom, but please help me set up my profile. Thank Youuuu!!


Correction... I can see the Aye Spy in my Profile, but I don't see it in my posts. Thanks again!

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