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bspence0112 11-22-2021 08:54 PM

1976 23 Rebuild, Stoner Bracket
5 Attachment(s)
Hello all, First time posting here on Classic Seacraft. I have been working on a 23 I have for a bit now. Slowly coming along. Here are some pictures of what I've done so far. Still lots to go a lot of learning still. This is my first time doing a project this big.

I started by pretty much gutting the boat, Re foamed the stringers, new 2" Coosa closed transom. I purchased a fiberglass brackets from Stoner boatworks. Mounted that and starting building out the bilges with fishbox/storage in the after part and fuel tank compartment. I am going with 100 gallon tank and about a 20-25 gallon water tank forward of that.

Plan is 3/4 coosa deck and live well in the transom with options for on deck wells when needed.

Still need to pull the cap and recore, build the new transom cap which is what I'm dreading.

This is a 5 year project for me since I travel for a living!


captsuperfly 11-22-2021 09:44 PM

looks really good. are you using poly/gel coat for those compartments?

bspence0112 11-22-2021 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by captsuperfly (Post 273174)
looks really good. are you using poly/gel coat for those compartments?

Aft bilge and fishbox are paint, But under fuel tank and fuel tank compartment are just gel coat.

Old'sCool 11-23-2021 06:56 AM

Looks great! I had a very similar build for the last 15 years. Just a couple of thoughts; I wish I would have eliminated the forward fish box and pushed the 118 gal fuel tank forward more, installed a leaning post/livewell instead of the transom ~ 30 gal (fish-box like a sportfish instead), made provisions for a 36 volt battery compartment forward for GPS trolling motor.

bspence0112 11-23-2021 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Old'sCool (Post 273177)
Looks great! I had a very similar build for the last 15 years. Just a couple of thoughts; I wish I would have eliminated the forward fish box and pushed the 118 gal fuel tank forward more, installed a leaning post/livewell instead of the transom ~ 30 gal (fish-box like a sportfish instead), made provisions for a 36 volt battery compartment forward for GPS trolling motor.

Thats for the reply! good thinking, I do like the forward step and will be adding a much water as i can fit forward of the fuel tank, I hope it will be enough forward weight. The way I look at it is. I will always leave the house full of water, but most likely will not always be full of fuel. I still may add a live well leaning post if I can find the right one and use the transom as kill box and or live well. Can't hurt to just add the plumbing just in case.

Thomas 12-24-2021 05:48 PM

Looking good, keep it going! Did you replace your keel stringer/ was it wood? I have similar plans with a stoner bracket

wattaway2 12-25-2021 10:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by bspence0112 (Post 273178)
Thats for the reply! good thinking, I do like the forward step and will be adding a much water as i can fit forward of the fuel tank, I hope it will be enough forward weight. The way I look at it is. I will always leave the house full of water, but most likely will not always be full of fuel. I still may add a live well leaning post if I can find the right one and use the transom as kill box and or live well. Can't hurt to just add the plumbing just in case.

I was able to put a 100 gl main fuel tank then a 30gl reserve tank dehind the front in deck kill box. Someone else had taken and relocated the front box to in front of the bilge pushed the CC and the fuel tanks forward to the step up area a idea I like . I don’t like a in deck livewell but the kill box there is ok placement off the livewell behind the leaning post or on the transom would really be a personal preference but with the relocation of the tank and CC I would really start doing some calculations

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