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Surfnski 12-14-2021 01:10 PM

Custom Engraved Transom Support Bracket
Anybody know where I can get an upper motor bolt support bracket engraved with the correct SeaCraft logo font? I see that Bob’s Machine has some that are engraved but all of the font appears to be the same/generic. Any ideas?

gofastsandman 12-14-2021 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Surfnski (Post 273360)
Anybody know where I can get an upper motor bolt support bracket engraved with the correct SeaCraft logo font? I see that Bob’s Machine has some that are engraved but all of the font appears to be the same/generic. Any ideas?

Ask if they can do Garamond font.

Xcomunic8d 12-14-2021 09:42 PM

Also look to download the logo. I had my wife download it and cut it out on stencil in her cricut machine so I could paint it.

Might be able to supply it as they probably use a cnc process.

Surfnski 12-15-2021 10:26 AM

Looks like Bobs does do custom engraving but there is a minimum order of 30 units so that won’t be happening.

Old'sCool 12-15-2021 01:29 PM

You may try a small machine shop that has a CNC mill.

Capt Chuck 12-15-2021 06:34 PM

3 Attachment(s)
I had the new Stainless side emblems already. Really could not see having more. I wanted to keep it Gucci, so I took the Stainless upper support and polished it along with the heads of thru bolts. I also bent the chaffing rails to align with the cap curve and polished them also. Kept it clean .

Hatuna matata 12-17-2021 11:39 AM

I can do it but you’d have to ship it to MA

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