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fishingproblem 09-13-2022 08:15 PM

27' Seamaster in San Diego
1 Attachment(s)
It finally arrived and we got it into the slip without damage, yeah!

uncleboo 09-14-2022 07:06 AM

Gorgeous! More pics, please?

fishingproblem 09-14-2022 10:47 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Thanks Uncle,

The trailer picture was when it was loaded last week in NJ.

I ran it around the bay and it felt stable and authoritative slicing through wakes. After some cleaning up and maintenance checks I'll drive out into the Pacific in a week or two for a shakedown.

I am considering the addition of a bow thruster install to make navigation around the docks easier / safer. Reverse steering is practically non existent turning just a a little but mostly straight back.


bigi 09-14-2022 03:33 PM

Looks awesome, congratulations!
Would love to see the layout.

gofastsandman 09-14-2022 06:12 PM

Pretty girl dressed in west coast livery there.

Text a pic of that lil rudder to Bill Taylor.
Ask him his thoughts about lengthening that puppy.

Weekdays just after 5 EST is the best time to talk after the pic.


Old'sCool 09-15-2022 01:04 PM

That's very nice!

Beaver 09-17-2022 03:45 AM

Your boat looks fantastic! I’ll be looking for it.

SeacraftErik 09-20-2022 08:43 AM

Nice boat man! I'm jealy! I see you're at MCRD! With your LH prop you might want to request that slip to the starboard of your boat. You'd come into that slip pretty easy with the LH prop.

Let me know when you start making some runs offshore, we can buddy boat. I have a 23' SF

fishingproblem 09-20-2022 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by SeacraftErik (Post 275170)
Nice boat man! I'm jealy! I see you're at MCRD! With your LH prop you might want to request that slip to the starboard of your boat. You'd come into that slip pretty easy with the LH prop.

Let me know when you start making some runs offshore, we can buddy boat. I have a 23' SF

Hi Erik,

Thank you for the slip tip. I actually switched slips already for that reason and the wind factor N to S. I am also going to install a dock wheel on the corner to add a little more ease of docking.

Buddy boating sounds great and I will be ready next week conditions permitting. Boat Ho'n is an option on my boat as well and I would be interested in riding in yours too. Do you have base access? I am semi-retired with a flexible schedule while generally avoiding the weekends during high season.


SeacraftErik 09-21-2022 10:22 AM

Right on David. Thought about keeping mine there but i'm 10 min from Pepper park and it's overall easier for me to just launch it.

You will love how the seacraft hulls ride here in San Diego. The ride is so soft. I've been able to keep 19-22kts in almost any kind of fishable weather. 24-28kt cruise in flat calm seas while maintaining over 2mpg.

Does it have a bait tank on it already or are you planning to put one in?

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