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Old 06-07-2007, 07:08 PM
abl1111 abl1111 is offline
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Default Re: Achilles Heal Found ( transom ice box/ hatch )

The more I think about it, this same problem exists w/ the floor scuppers - a lot of flex breaks the seal of the garboard tube between the floor and the bottom of the hull.

That's why a lot of those wood blocks are soaked or rotted making the problem even worse.

The ice box problem is a definite transom killer. And the fix of going through to the bilge - as someone mentioned; the idea of draining into the bilge, I think, is a bad one.

The only idea I do like is capping the exisiting holes (in the ice box and uugghh, the transom ! ) and running through the bottom of the ice box and out through the sides of the boat.

If I could install something w/ the existing set-up that is 'bullet-proof', I would do that. would epoxying a PVC tube through do it.

Either way, it's a bitchy spot to work in , so I would recommend if you're doing a transom, think this part out, as well as the through-the-floor-scuppers, now to avoid the hassle later.

Both of these areas, in original design, are very suspect for failure...
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