Re: Rust Stains
We have used Iron Out to take care of rust stains in toilets, etc. We're on a well and the water has a particularly high iron content. While we use a water treatment system for all incoming water, occasionally the water table rises or something dislodging rust deposits in the bedrock and the water pickups elevated levels of iron as it travels down from the mountains in NH.
Anyway, this stuff reacts chemically with the metal ions and comes out of solution in the form of a very dark flake. Then it can be just flushed/rinsed away. You shouldn't need much. It smells something like rotten eggs and I wouldn't leave it on my hands for any period of time. Make up a small solution, dip a paper towel and then lay it on the stain. Give it a little bit of time, remove the towel and flush with fresh water.
Good luck.
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