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Old 05-05-2008, 11:53 AM
jenkinslr jenkinslr is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: mississippi gulf coast
Posts: 15
Default 1982 23' SeaCraft Sceptre

Well departing with the Seacraft. Loved the boat but really wanted a center console.

2001 – Transom redone, New Allcraft 2000 fighting lady yellow paint on outer hull, new rub rail, new vents, SeaCraft emblem and custom tripes.
2004- New custom made A&J Marine bracket and Sea Star Hydraulic steering. The bulk head that the steering helm mounts to was also recored.
2003- The Aluminum Loadmaster trailer was rebuilt using stainless U-bolts and bolts. The springs, tires, equalizer bar and hardware were also replaced.

The engine is a 1997 Yahama 200 bought new in 1998. Electronics include a Garmine 162 GPS, a Garmin 240 Blue fish finder and Apelco VHF radio.
$16000 OBO
not enough time to fish
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