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Old 01-09-2009, 06:42 PM
Texascoastalfish Texascoastalfish is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 76
Default WTB - Teak door for center console

Hey Peter,
I have a 75 20'SF and after seeing some of the pics on this site of the Center Console cabinets I've looked all around and haven't found any thing the right size. the opening is approx 30" wide and 24" tall. So I ordered lots of teak wood boards off eBay. Mostly all 2" wide and from 12" to 15" long and 1" thick. I plan on making a set of horizontally sliding doors out of the wood. The guy is Sergios exotic wood on Ebay and its pretty cheap prince far as teak goes.
Just a thought,
regards !
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