I don't know anything about the Seafari's but when I was trying to wash out the entire bilge area in my Tsunami project,I had the same problem.
All the water that was up foward in the cuddy,was taking forever to drain to the rear.
I had to cut out the bottom of the in deck compartment anyway to replace rotted core,and when I did,I found about a 4" thick layer of sludge,that ran from the bow to the fuel tank platform.
The sludge had accumulated around a forward bulkhead,severely restricting any drainage of water.You can see the bulkhead under the middle epoxied in support in the picture.
In addition to that,the space under the fuel tank had all kinds of debris under it,such as two Coke cans from the seventies,when they had pull tabs,and you couldn't crush them.
The in deck baitwell behind the fuel tank was simply bedded into the hull with what I think was thickened resin.It was gobbed on so thick,that hardly any water could get by it.
I scraped out all that sludge("ugh it smelled like sewage)and cleaned out under the fuel tank,and removed the giant globs of putty under the baitwell.
It drains immediately now.
I was really surprised at some of the sloppy workmanship in these hidden areas,lots of the glass was resin starved,while other areas had big puddles of resin.
The coke cans were definitely there from the original build.Maybe there was some disgruntled employees.
Maybe there is a bulkhead up front in yours,that is blocked with debris.
I decided to leave the bottom of the long in deck compartment,removable so that I can clean out the inevitable debris that builds up.Here's a picture after I cleaned it out.