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Old 07-30-2009, 02:41 PM
PipeDreamsMarine PipeDreamsMarine is offline
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Default Re: Fri Nite Invite in Key Largo

With Mini Lobster Season only a week away and several of you planning to come to the keys ...
Why not have a mini gathering ???

Friday night AFTER mini lobster season, (July 31st) around 5pm--ish at our place. (mm 97.5, oceanside, 3 houses North of Snappers Restaurant)

Bring something to throw on the grill and your favorite beverage. We'll have the rest (side dishes) and two BBQ's ready for use.
If you're here with friends, they're welcomed too.
Hope to see you here!
Anyone going to be around Saturday the 1st.. I'm going to be in Miami Beach at the USCG base Goverment Cut and I'm done at 11 am and I'm looking goof-off the rest of the day and night. I't not a bad drive down to the keys, I head home 10:30 Sunday...
Don Battin
Pipe Dreams Marine
"Design her right,
Build’er well
Bend the throttles,
And let’er eat…."
Carl Moesly
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