I'm planning to do the same with my Sea Master. Picked up a 3000 watt power inverter that I'll be installing. I also plan on a adding a small generator as well for some night fishing power. I spent the today tracing all the wires out and what a mess. I found red wires spliced to black wires. Wires running to nothing, it was a mess. I like the sink compartment you have under the seat. What type of propane stove are you using on your boat? I am planning on adding one but I wasn't sure if a propane stove in the cabin would be safe.
Nice looking Sea Master! The rare models are really coming out of the woodwork these days.
You should have no problem running anything with a 3000 watt inverter. I use a 400 watt which does the trick for charging my phone and laptop. It's not enough power to run a blender though...
The propane stove I use is a Coleman 2 burner. Typical of what you would see people using while tent camping. It uses the small disposable propane tanks, similar to a plumbing torch tank. These tanks also work for my BBQ as well. For your application, I would think that you might want a flushmount and plumb it to an external tank which you would keep out of the cabin. you could also plumb it to a fridge or BBQ OR you could go with an alcohol or alcohol electric. There are quite a few options out there.
Good luck with your project.