Thread: Tuna Slam
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Old 08-15-2009, 12:17 PM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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Default Tuna Slam

Went out wed 8/12 in search of tuna. Took a buddy's Parker 25 pilothouse into some grumpy seas (can you say bumpy ride?, sure.) Ran out a little past midnight 85 miles @ 190 heading (south of 1010 trench). Got to the grounds at gray light and were quickly picked up by a striped marlin about 150lbs, but he spit out the zucchini jig within a minute or 2. We boxed the area for a bit with no taker so we kept moving. Spotted a kelp paddy and picked 2 nice California Yellowtail to 30lbs on 'dines - very long but thin.
Kept moving and pickup a small yellow fin tuna on the troll. We stopped and drifted the area and soon had 3 blue fin tuna all at 40 lbs. moved on kept looking and found another paddy and quickly picked a skipjack and then, simultaneous hookups put 2 35 lbs albacore in the box.
Kept running and found another paddy loaded with dorado (dolphin) We farmed a few of them but I got a 15 lbs bull aboard. with the exception of a hell of a long ride in a pounding boat it was a fantastic day of fishing. I'll post some pics when I get them.
there's no such thing as normal anymore...
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