Tough weekend for Seacrafters
Was running a 60 footer from the Vineyard back to Boston on Sunday and was monitoring the radio when I heard
"Old Blues Player" radio seatow. It appears that our friend could not get his boat restarted on the Southwest corner and needed a tow back to Sandwich. Seatow responded that they would be on the scene in 45 minutes and i continued to monitor the chatter to make sure he was safe. LAst I heard Seatow was on scene...but shortly thereafter I was out of range. Anyone heard from him since?
The following day, I read online that another Seacraft flipped while trying to pull a bluefin tuna onboard. The owner of the vessel and his girlfriend spent (2) hours drifting in the water before they were rescued.
Please be careful and travel with a buddy boat when possible. I have broken down on Stellwagen ALONE and I have also been on a sinking boat. Neither was much fun.