Thread: Gas Tank Size
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Old 11-25-2009, 06:51 PM
Dilligaf Dilligaf is offline
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Default Re: Gas Tank Size

dilligaf, i have a 25 seafari with a volvo 350 and 100 gals. of fuel and i can run to the norfolk canyon and troll the edge or deep drop and have 1/4-1/3 left when i return to rudee. can leave rudee and run to the south tower fish all day and return to rudee with 1/3-1/2 left. can leave hampton and stop at rudee to top off and proceed to oregon inlet with 1/2-1/3 left. hope this helps as far as distance goes, as this refers to the area that you are familiar with. once i get mine refreshed hopefully we can get together and have a mini seacraft gathering. get the seacraft tourny going again.

thanks for the info basically exactly what im tryin to start doing. i think i just wanna have the feeling that if it gets rough i have plenty of gas to get back. i know im gonna burn more fuel when it get sloppy. been out there b4 and was nice and calm then hit the CLT and hell broke loose for some reason
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