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Old 03-26-2010, 06:32 PM
SeaPlusPlus SeaPlusPlus is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Va Beach, Va
Posts: 169
Default Re: Trailer Vin Location?

Yeah I had a similar process with getting a VIN for mine except mine doesn't have brakes which means I don't have to get a yearly state inspection for it in Va. But to get a VIN I had to go to DMV fill out the paperwork, mail it off with a $40 VIN fee, wait for the VIN plate to arrive with the paperwork for the cop, call non-emergency dispatch to get a cop to come to my house to watch me install the VIN to make sure I did it correctly (drilling two holes and hammering in some rivets is such a hard process I need supervision), have him sign off that I did it correctly, take that form back to DMV, get them to stamp it, mail that off with the $170 permanent trailer plate fee (or $70/year if I didn't want to get the permanent reg), and then wait for plates to be mailed.

It was a fun process as with anything with the DMV.

Boat on the other, mail off form and check to DGIF, get a new title.
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