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Old 05-04-2010, 03:46 AM
muddywater muddywater is offline
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Location: Abbeville, LA
Posts: 220
Default Re: Cutting my '76 20 SF apart

I did mine a couple months ago and it was not fun. I made some cuts around the cutout and then bought a piece of flat iron (like 1.5"-2" wide or something like that). I then proceeded to use it as a giant chisel and separate the liner from the hull. I got everything separated except the livewell. It became obvious that nothing was going to separate that livewell from the hull bottom. It was even glassed with some mat in some places, not just putty. I cut a board the size of the livewell interior, sank a giant eye bolt through it and hooked it up to a hoist (oh yeah, I had already made the cut all the way across from gunnel to gunnel at this point with the circular saw on the flat parts and the sawsall on the corners). So, I hooked up that eye bolt on the board to the hoist and picked the whole boat off the trailer by the livewell. I jumped up and down on it, beat on it, used a crowbar, cursed at it, but that live well was not going anywhere. In the end, I cut the livewell in half with the sawsall and the liner came off. Eventually I was able to pry the bottom of the livewell off the hull bottom with a crowbar. That puppy was on there! Good luck!
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