I was doing some driving around and found this behind a person's house. I do not have the means to move it out of his yard.
It is a basket case and will need a full total cap off restoration etc...everything is rotten ....stringers appear solid though...engine has not run for some time. hate to see it rot even more....
Trailer will need 4 new tires.or grab tires and rims from your other trailer. I could not get the tires to bead on rims to hold air..Also, I could not get the Merc to tilt up for I gave up!!!!!Flatbed wont work either due to the fact you would have to drive over his septic drain field and tank....
Let me know if interested and I can contact owner etc.
Boat is located in Martin County are pics I took..should have taken more...trailer is in great shape besides the tires...owner told me he has title to boat and literature..he is second owner. Owner and I removed most of the leaves and weeds out of boat..AGAIN TRAILER IS IN GOOD SHAPE EXCEPT FOR TIRES AND IS ROAD WORTHY!!!
such a shame
