In floor through hull drains, bilge pumps etc...
With the events that have taken place over the last couple weeks the boat is in my shop and I'd like to make a few modifications before I take the boat back up to the lake next year. Is there a source for something other than the plastic/nylon through hull drains in the floor? Is it possible to install brass? Is rule a good bilge pump..the one that I had in it was a rule and for some odd reason the whole top of the unit became displaced, checked it earlier this season and it ran but I never had any reason to use it until I started taking on water last weekend. For peace of mind I'll be installing two pumps before she goes back in the water. I have a high water alarm light on the left side of my switch panel, does anyone have any idea where the sensor would be located or was this something installed afterwards. Sorry about the pile of questions but most likely more are to follow.