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Old 11-13-2010, 09:01 PM
pjzabo pjzabo is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: LI Sound (NY & CT)
Posts: 37
Default Re: Prop for 1977 18SF with Suzuki 140

OK - took her for a good spin today (and 4 keeper Blackfish). With 3 big guys on board (660 lbs) and fishing gear and 1/2 full 44 gal tank we hit 43 mph at 6000 rpm. The 14 inch wheel seems the largest that the Suzuki 140 will take. This prop is 3 blade stainless and 20 pitch. With the three of us on board it was a but of a sky shot when hammering it to get on plane, after about 5 seconds it came down, squatted into the water and frikin took off! At 4500 rpm I was still running 29-30 knots into a slight chop on the long island sound.

I'll post many more pics in the coming week. Awesome boat!!
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