we were donated a Laser that proclaimed in big letters that its name was "Blow Me." We coaches stripped those graphics off about five minutes after taking possession of the sailboat).
I grew up sailing in Midwest - ...
After recently finding my 21', I told my wife no more boats. But next one will be a Montgomery 17.
I grew up in the 60's with both powerboats
and sailboats. My grandfather owned a 45' Rybovich sportfisherman and a yawl-rigged 41' Morgan.
My father owned a 1923 40' Matthews (only 9' beam) and a 19' Aristo, and a great-uncle owned a brand-new '69 SeaCraft Seafari with a 105hp Chrysler, which later became my grandfather's boat. That's when I first fell in love with SeaCraft. I used that boat like it was mine (I even called it "my boat").
My first boat came in early '68 at the age of 8, when my brother and I bought an 8' wooden center-board sailing punt. (We later bought a 9.9hp Chrysler for that boat.)
The first SeaCraft I actually
purchased was a 23' SF with twin 115 Mercury inline 6 motors. I picked that up in '83 while I was working at a Seacraft dealership. Later that same year I bought my grandfather's old Seafari from my cousin, who had rigged it with an inline 150hp Mercury.
Common Sense is learning from your mistakes. Wisdom is learning from the other guy's mistakes.
Fr. Frank says:
Jesus liked fishing, too. He even walked on water to get to the boat!
Currently without a SeaCraft 
(2) Pompano 12' fishing kayaks
'73 Cobia 18' prototype "Casting Skiff", 70hp Mercury