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Old 08-14-2011, 11:34 AM
OilFieldMan OilFieldMan is offline
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Location: Cape Cod
Posts: 117
Default Damn wet floation foam. Lucky me

Just a little background info. I work offshore in the Gulf on an oil rig. Our FRC (Fast Rescue Craft) was sent in for repairs/inspection for wet foam, as there was an alert for the foam becoming wet and thus making the boat heavier. Hmm who would of thunk it right?

I got up this morning and had a bad urge to go out on the SeaCraft today. I had to trade it in for these flourescent lifeboats.

These are some older pictures from previous launches. Definetly a fun way to spice up a day at work. Just missing the fishing poles and the beer

1974 Seacraft 20' SF with 1985 Evinrude 150 VRO

1987 Seacraft 23' Scepter with 2007 250 HP Evinrude Etec
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