Hey guys! Just found this forum and have been browsing and seen a lot of cool things! I own a 1977 20' SeaCraft center console that i use for charter fishing. I've had it for about 5 years. In fairly good shape as the original owner had it in storage for many years, all original gelcoat and such. I'm repowering as I currently have a 140hp suzuki on there that is about 10 years old and it's time. Just derigged and brought the boat up to the shop. I'm going to be putting a 250 yamaha 4 stroke on it. Having the transom raised and flushed, adding a bracket. The floors I am cutting out and making flush (no step-up in the bow) and raising them. Trying to decide how high to raise them - any suggestions? I'm thinking maybe just 3 inches or so, I'm hoping to get it to be more self-bailing as water accumulates in it pretty easily and has no way to drain out unless I pick up and run, or let it go into bilge. Putting a leaning post in with bait well, which I saw a very cool one on this forum by Nautical Designs (
http://www.nauticaldesigninc.com/ima...0/IMG_0082.jpg). The console is going to be replaced as well, have not decided what I'm doing there, but definitely want something smaller as it is tough to walk around the boat with what is in there now (not sure if it's factory original). Some rod holders on the sides would be nice, and perhaps a seat up front, and small windshield preferable. Other than that, adding spray rails, and that's it so far. If anyone has some good ideas on a console, or other suggestions, i'd appreciate it! Will post some before pics following, and some as it goes along!