Originally Posted by skippertee
Thanks for the encouragements.
GW204 - The president of Seacast suggested spraying inside the transom with iso-alcohol to dry the wood out to make it easier to removed with home chisel. The oil was easily cleaned with acetone.
McGili - The chainsaw I used was electric & had a 16" chain. Seacast & others suggested drilling holes with a wood bit or auger, but because of the wetness, it was very, very slow. So I sharpened the chainsaw & sent to town. After a short period, you develop a rhythm. My homemade chisel was made from a #5 rebar, 40" long, ground approx to center of rebar & approx 4" long. Opposite side was beveled for the point.
Nicely thought out SkipperT and friends.
Janet is getting sick of Cobia. Mmm Cobia. Bugz?