I can't Thank you all enough for the info and most generous offers.I would offer the same to anyone wishing to King salmon,or Steelhead fish the great lakes.
Living in the north country,Tarpon are exotic to me,maybe the closest for me would be offshore steelhead fishing in the summer.They are extremely acrobatic,and we commonly boat them in the high teens with a few approaching 20lbs,but would pale in comparison to a tarpon.
I guess it's not so much that I only want to catch a tarpon,but I would like the experience.I'm not looking for a trophy,just the chance to see what it's really like.
(No Bones),In a similar way I know what you mean about catching fish to eat.Newcomers to salmon fishing get hooked on the screaming runs and great fight,and can't understand how I sometimes would rather walleye fish saying they fight like an old boot.That's true,but they sure are good eating.
I love to catch fish of all kinds and especially good eating ones.
Without a doubt I would like nothing more than to also catch some good eating species,in addition to some spectacular fighting species.A nice mix between the two would be great.
We catch a lot of salmon,and on many days we can clean and fillet 150-200lbs of them.Unfortunately,I don't care for the taste of them.They're ok but nothing like other freshwater fish like walleye,perch,etc.or saltwater fish like tuna, swordfish,snapper etc.Great lakes Pacific salmon feed mostly on alewives and can be a bit strong tasting,in comparison to wild pacific salmon that feed on lots of other fish.
I'm definitely going to give it a try next year at some point and may very well look up some of you fellow seacraft guys.Not only would it be great to meet some of you and a lot of fun to fish with,but what could be better than fishing and talking about common interests like "SEACRAFTS!!!
In the meantime,I 'm going to read up on Southern (Florida )fishing and plan something for next year. Again,thanks so much for all the replies,and nice offers.
All this,just for a boat ride