Thread: Hard Top Plans
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Old 04-04-2012, 11:33 PM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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Quit baggin' on the balsa bro's. My 72 Seafari fore deck is cored with balsa and you can square dance on that triangle... Balsa is strong, lightweight, and properly sealed easily lasts 40 years (hopefully +) as coring. Not sayin' composites ain't better, but cheesus - it sounds like the Champ is a class aimed at teaching techniques, not necessarily using the latest, greatest available materials. Learning and discerning... How is it done, what is affordable, and finding a happy medium. We can't all work with Messr Borelli's budget, can we?

Looing forward to seeing the project, and maybe placing an old school order for the Seafari. Surely the lad deserves a stipend...

Carry on.,
Mayor McCheese
there's no such thing as normal anymore...
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