'77 SeaCraft restored!
Well she's almost finished, after a long 7 months but hopefully worth the wait! Splashing it this thursday, just got the prop in this morning. A few last minute fixes and that's it!
I'll try to add some more pics in the future here.
This is a 1977 SeaCraft I use for charter here in Islamorada, FL Keys. Had IslaMarine in Islamorada restore it. New foam/glass floor thats raised almost 3 inches and full walk around (no step-up in bow). Have a long in-hull storage box in the front. Also in-deck box near the transom for plumbing/etc... Console from southern charm, nice because its skinny and tall - lots of room for storage have a shelf for tackle and front door for access to the rest for life jackets, etc.... Rod holders and 35 gallon livewell/seat from Birdsall marine with keep-alive bubbler system. Custom glass chairs flush mounted/removable up front, with a flush mounted pedestal up on the bow as well for pulling on those big tarpon/goliath groupers/etc... Transom filled in and custom glass bracket from Hermco, 24" setback with an atlas marine jackplate giving it another 6" for full motor tilt. Brand new yamaha 150 4 stroke, 4 blade SCE4 powertech prop. Low profile trim tabs under the bracket.