Thread: 27cc value?
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Old 09-19-2012, 01:04 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by shine View Post
I looked briefly but could not find any specs on this model, any idea?
It's one of these: 27' long with an 8' beam and shaped like a knife! Ken said it will run off and leave a bigger Contender with 2X the power in 4' seas! Deadrise looked to be similar to a 25 Seafari (24.5 degrees), but only 2 panels on each side. (The outer panel would be out of the water anyway at racing speeds!) I think CSC member Steve (Flying Time) of Mathews Yacht Design also has one and can probably tell you a lot more about it.

We tried to talk Sandy into buying it . . . he was sort of foaming at the mouth and climbing all over it! GFS should have a bunch some pictures of it. A few were posted in this thread:
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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