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Old 09-28-2012, 09:13 AM
abl1111 abl1111 is offline
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Location: long island, ny
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It might be a project for next Spring. Wife and young kids are fair-weathered boaters and now Im rigging up for bass fishing - so no immediate need for a seat.

Next Spring, I will have it done. It will be perfect for an i/o engine cover. And, removable so I can maintain the clean fishing space I need (my portable livewell goes on the i/o cover).

I'm usually atrocious at posting pix, but I'll try to remember.

I still owe a pix of a BEAUTIFUL, custom re-make of the famous ( or infamous ) foldable, SC companionway ladder. This one is solidly made out of wood. And it's light. Someone made it for me and it is absolutely the best design I have ever seen. I could not have thought it up and could not have made it as nicely as was done.
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