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Old 09-29-2012, 08:24 PM
3rdday 3rdday is offline
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I almost lost my life and didn't even know it. Despite my ignorance and Steve's recommendation to turn back and go to Fisherman's Hospital. ( I'm a dumbass wannabe tough guy)
Then, on cleanup pulled out an eel 4" diameter, that would have been the proverbial straw that broke the camels' back. (I start and end my day on my knees talking to GOD)
The story is graphic- The oldest Pub/Restaraunt in Big Pine has my DNA permanently affixed!!!!!! Sorry No Name PuB. We have all heard of the pee pee dance, the walking like a china man with short choppy steps, but there is no name for the 8' high velocity, high volume, projectile vomit from the door to the bowl. More details to come in my story"Chasing Moesly".
Sandy- I'm trying but the eloquence escapes me.
I heard it on the coconut telegraph..........
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