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Old 10-01-2012, 09:30 PM
erebus erebus is offline
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: Cape Cod
Posts: 428
Default Just added an 18SF to the Cape Cod SeaCraft family

Ahh, fall in New England...
Maple trees in full color, crisp cool nights, fresh picked apples...
boat prices plummet precipitously...

Had to go off Cape to get this one though.
Off Cape prices are so much more wallet friendly.

She's a 1975 hull with an '85 150 Mariner that needs some attention (I suspect low pressure fuel pump and start solenoid).

She's pretty clean for an old girl. T-top is an interesting addition, jury's still out on that. Might need to swap it for a bimini. Wife's a redhead and requires maximum protection from the sun.

She needs a new fuel tank too. But that's no problem, gives me an excuse to pull the top and console, re-nonskid all the decks this winter, and re-do some of (all...) the wiring.

Any reason why I would NOT want to get a poly fuel tank to put under the deck?
I know I would need to account for the potential expansion (2-3%?), but wouldnt X-linked poly make more sense than AL down in that deep dark hole?

Anyway, cant wait for next summer!
More pics to follow as work progresses.



Last edited by erebus; 10-01-2012 at 09:50 PM. Reason: bad speling
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