That late model 21 is basically a shortened 23, so it's got more beam, weight and deadrise than a 20. The small block 2.6L V-6 E-Tec is a great motor with a far better power/wt ratio than the 4 cyl. 4-strokes, and almost too much power for a 20. However you might like the extra torque of the 524 lb big-block 3.3L V-6 better on the 21; although it's 22% more displacement, I suspect actual fuel burn of a lightly loaded motor will be within about 10% of the smaller motor that's working a lot harder. Optimum cruise on the 2.7L is about 3700-3800 rpm which gives me about 25 kts at 36-37% throttle opening on my 20. I can easily get on plane at about 45% throttle. I averaged 4.3 mpg on my 700 mile S. Fla. circumnavigation trip a couple of years ago. We had flat seas, but I was loaded heavy and also cruised at about 30 kts on some long open stretches where fuel economy was not a high priority. Although my Seafari is the heaviest of all the 20' models, the same motor would have to work much harder on a 21.
The 200HO and 225 are strong running motors and very conservatively rated. The "225" is actually about 245 hp and I suspect the HO is probably close to that since they're the same block!