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Old 10-11-2012, 11:59 AM
bigeasy1 bigeasy1 is offline
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As Elvis would say,,,Thank you,"thank you all very much

Gillie,I did give the Camry/Accord/Passat vehicle types some thought.A friend has a Passat diesel and gets well over 40mpg on the highway.

Bones,don't think I didn't give some thought to Florida,but with a lifetime of accumulating thousands and thousands of dollars worth of specialized freshwater trolling tackle,there's no way I could buy all the salt water tackle in the years I have left.
Not to mention all my family is up north,and the minor fact that I know very little about saltwater species and fishing tactics.
And the "HEAT!! how do you guys take the heat in the summer?I used to go to Florida twice a year for a week (April & Aug.)at a time in my last job,Doral in Miami,and also Orlando.It was always so hot.
I can't even begin to Imagine how you deep south boys do some of the beautiful restorations you do in that heat.

AS others stated I did give some thought to diesel trucks,& Honda civics,although I never thought about a Kia sorrento Hmm,interesting.

I guess I'm searching for something equivalent to a perpetual motion machine.After doing all the math and figuring all the different scenarios,I might save $200.00 a year.Not worth the trouble.Back to other issues now,like maybe rigging up a sail for the Tsunami,to save on fuel for it.If Gasoline keeps going where it's headed,we're all going to need it..
All this,just for a boat ride

Last edited by bigeasy1; 10-11-2012 at 12:03 PM.
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