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Old 10-13-2012, 06:13 PM
CHANCE1234 CHANCE1234 is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Cape Cod
Posts: 903

I finally picked up my new 1973 20SF this morning. I spent some time cleaning and put on a new coat of maquires on the starboard side. I also snapped a few pictures. I will have plenty of small screw holes to fix so I got some marine tec from west marine and a tapered drill bit. The bench seat will be available this winter if anyone is interested. I want to keep it but the wife likes the look of a leaning post. I agree it looks better but the storage that I loose will hurt.

There are many places on both rails and console that look like this. This winter I will take off the console and make it look new again. If time and money permit the deck will be removed to inspect everything and a new deck will go in. In the mean time I plan to fish it as is for the next two weeks.
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