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Old 12-19-2012, 10:36 PM
Bushwacker Bushwacker is offline
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Originally Posted by bgreene View Post
All that info ........ seems the least risky choice is to stick with the notched transom for the 23' such as the Sceptre.

Sounds like to many " if's " .....and the maneuverability issue could annoy me over time.

Guess I'm just " conservative ".......
The 23 would be much less sensitive to the negative CG impact of a bracket than what you'd see on the smaller 20.

On the maneuverability issue, I think you will see more of a difference in just switching from push/pull cable steering to hydraulic steering than you'd experience from a bracket! I previously had a home made/Hynautic system using an inboard style piston to replace the old Teleflex push/pull cable, designed to turn the motor from stop to stop. I installed a new Sea Star system along with the bracket, but I've found that the piston stroke on it is way too short, by at least an inch on each end.

In the attached pic, I disconnected piston bracket from the tiller bar and found I could rotate the motor another inch or so on each side beyond the piston stop before the motor hit the stops! I'm sure that ~20% reduction in motor travel makes a significant difference in my turning circle, regardless of whether or not I have a bracket!
'72 SeaFari/150E-Tec/Hermco Bracket, owned since 1975.
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