Back In The Saddle Again!
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02-03-2013, 10:22 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: California
Posts: 2,738
Thank you everyone for the compliments. It's a lot of work but it's very very rewarding when it's all completed. Bill, Lisa and I launched the boat this morning. Lisa christened it with a brand new bottle of cheap champagne. Another more expensive bottle is awaiting our indulgement later this evening. Capt Chuck for the the Gucci sticker!!
Everything went well with the launch. The motor is way too low. Note all the spray in the running photos. Trimmed up its not so bad. I have already raised it two more holes so we will see how it does on the next test run. The flotation bracket is doing it's job. The scuppers are about 2 inches above the water line at rest. I am very happy with the the way the boat sits in the water and how it performs. There is hardly any bow rise out of the hole. She cruises effortlessly and the 4 stroke seems perfect for this boat. Plenty of power. WOT is at 5500 RPM so we will see how much more I gain now that the motor has been raised. Hopefully it will be closer to 6000. Here are a few more pictures and a sketchy video for your enjoyment.
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