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Old 02-19-2013, 02:33 PM
McGillicuddy McGillicuddy is offline
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Originally Posted by strick View Post

This is Sierra USCG rated fuel line not more then 3 weeks old. I had originally been looking for the regular old black 3/8 line (teleflex) but WM was out of that so I ended up with this crap. DON'T BUY SIERRA FUEL LINE. So I spent most of the day today tearing out all the calking around the fuel and live well hatches so I could remove them to get to the fuel lines and replace them. Finally by this evening Lisa and I were ready to do another test run. There is less spray now that the engine is up 2 more holes but there is minimal gain in RPM. WOT is still at about 5500 RPM and doing 35 knots. I think I need another prop and since I am not really into propnology I will look to the board for help on this one.

Hey strick,
Sorry to hear about the hose. That sucks. Hopefully no goop got to the injectors. Surprised you saw no performance change with the 2 holes. What prop are you running now? What were you running on your other 20? 140 Zukes on both, right? With its 2.59 gear ratio, that motor should be able to swing a lot of prop but the extra 100 lbs 2' back might mean you have to reduce your pitch and get more surface area; and reduce cupping and rake to raise the rear end some. Don't know what you have, so I'm speculating here.

I think Denny is running a 15x15 ELE4 from PT Props. Logic suggests a strong stern-lifter is in order. I think the zuke is a smaller diameter gear case but maybe something similar in 14x17 would get you up to that desired 6200 rpm WOT. 35 kts ain't bad, though. Maybe get to 37 or 38 knots with another 5 or 600 rpm, IDK... I thought someone else on here had a bracket mounted zuke 140 on their 20'. Maybe they'll chime in...

Good luck Chuck,
there's no such thing as normal anymore...

Last edited by McGillicuddy; 02-19-2013 at 02:39 PM.
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