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Old 03-03-2013, 02:00 PM
cdavisdb cdavisdb is offline
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Yes, I did have those thru hulls out, same spot, and you are right, the plugged one is for the head discharge, remaining one is head intake. If I remember right, tabbing from the stringer or keel runs just to or just past the thruhulls. Depending on how your tabbing was done, the hull might be thicker or thinner, but not much.

Seacrafts are built very strong, but light, because Potter and Moesley put glass where it is needed and not where its not. Moesley was and aircraft engineer and understood that stuff. Hull only weighs 3000 lb, That's light for a 25 footer. Don't worry, hull thickness is fine.

The 25 Bertram is built similar, with thin hull sections, but stringers that would do justice to a 40 ft Hatteras. I was astonished at how thin it was when I cut a hole in mine. Still plenty strong, whatever.
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