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Old 04-15-2013, 09:54 PM
Hooligan Hooligan is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: new bedford
Posts: 96
Default Norm's got it.

Originally Posted by Normagain View Post
I'd definitely go with epoxy resin in that application.
This is very sound advice. Spend some extra because it is such a small area (and not to mention on the underside of the boat) You'll get a far superior bond out of epoxy. Get yourself some of that 1708 stitchmat too. I did a thru hull in my sailboat that was 2" and feathered back about six inches in all directions. (bout a 12" circle) Start with a small round cut of fiberglass for first layer over hole and get larger diameter-wise each additional layer. I remember the first two layers I did I put one on the inside of the hull and one on the outside to bond together real well initially. Use some wax paper in direct contact wit the hull/ patched area/ a flat piece of wood next, and then a stick or leg to hold the plywood from falling down.

Remember to clean good with acetone/ alcohol and rough it up pretty good.
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